February 8, 2021

Okay, so first off, what are affirmations? Affirmations are short, quick phrases that have a positive impact on your mind and body. Affirmations are part and parcel of positive thinking and empowerment and will enable you to think more positively.

Overtime, affirmations will help you change the negative thought patterns that your mind naturally turns to. This will build a positive mindset and change your outlook on the world and ultimately, yourself.

  1. I am doing my best
  2. I choose to be happy and to love myself today
  3. My possibilities are endless
  4. I am worthy
  5. I am brave, bold and beautiful
  6. Today is going to be a great day
  7. I am talented and intelligent
  8. I am one of a kind
  9. I can and I will
  10. I am proud of myself and my achievements
  11. I am who I want to be
  12. I am beautiful
  13. I am unique
  14. I am powerful
  15. I radiate confidence
  16. I am in love with myself and my body
  17. I am proud of myself
  18. I am becoming more confident every day
  19. I believe in myself
  20. I will not worry about things I cannot control
  21. I will be kind to myself and others today
  22. I am loved
  23. I am worthy of love and respect
  24. Today will be a positive day
  25. I will take time to love and care for myself
  26. I am successful
  27. I am free of worry and regret
  28. My thoughts become my reality
  29. I love myself
  30. I am grateful for all that I have
  31. I am full of potential
  32. I can change my life and my situation
  33. I am more than my negative thoughts
  34. I am healthy and happy
  35. I welcome happiness into my life
  36. All I need is within me
  37. I always make the best decisions for myself
  38. I am more than enough
  39. I let go of my worries and stress
  40. I am ambitious
  41. I appreciate all that I have and all that I am
  42. I accept myself unconditionally