By Austin Oral Surgery

Last week we sent out some positive points to our Austin Oral Surgery teammates requesting them to share thoughts, ideas or quotes in a positive mind set. We called it the “Positivity Challenge.” Below are a few of the quotes from team members.  – Melissa Winfield, Regional Director of Operations


“Stressful times for sure. Sarah, Emma, Jackson, and I have avoided watching the news media at night and instead play music through Spotify. I highly recommend the Jim Croce station!

We avoid devices as best we can and just revert back to the simple times. Yesterday we took a 3 hour walk and didn’t stop until we all identified something interesting in nature. (One day last week we saw a snake). Jackson limits out on Rollie Pollie’s and his continuous stopping is the real reason our walks take 3 hours 😉.

If anything,  these simple activities have  redirected our thoughts of stress and channeled them into family and made us realize what’s really important.

The last 2 Sunday’s we have streamed the live church service in the boat (last week at lbj) and in the golf cart (yesterday).

Pretty cool way to remind us Who has directed the real master plan for all of us!” – Jeremy D. Leland, DDS, MD


“On this positive note.. we all know there is strength in numbers and at this time we need all the strength to uplift and get through each day.”  – Cheryl V./ Tech Tmp/GT


“Refuse to be average.  Let your heart soar as high as it will.  A. W. Tozar” – Sandra B./Business office GT


“You are not alone feeling less productive as there is a lot on our minds these days. I feel this is a reminder in these times to become at peace with the fact we are not in control. Fear is not the answer, the answer is being preventative and taking care of ourselves along with those around us. Doing little things to bring joy is the key, happiness is a state of mind.

I read last night that good stretches(especially for our spine) can be the equivalent of a 1 hour massage for our body, helping with our physical and physiological state. I know tai chi and yoga can do wonders as well.”  – Jamie W./ OM Lakeway


“There are several positives things that I take away from this pandemic.

1) Covid 19  is uniting us.  In a world where there seems to be only division, we are setting aside our differences and coming together. The whole world is working together to get through this.

2)This is making us look beyond our own nose.  Today it seems that everyone is wrapped up in their own problems– the “what have you done for me lately’s.”  This pandemic has made us look at how we are all interconnected and how our actions affect others. We need each other.

3) Being forced to to be apart makes us realize how much we like and need human contact. Following this pandemic I bet more people will put down their phones and have a face to face conversation with others and be interested and involved.

4) Because of the pandemic we are forced to make do with what we have or find a way to produce things we may need.   In a society that recently has only been filled with consumers… we are realizing the value of producing.

Several years ago I asked my grandmother about what it was like during the great depression. Her response wasn’t at all what I expected.  She told me that it was a time when everyone helped each other in order to survive. She said that In her lifetime she never saw the outpouring of love that she saw during the depression.

LOVE such a simple thing, but it is times like these that remind us of the importance of Love.”  – Curt Cain, DDS, MD


“So Corona has us homeschooling, praying, spending time with the family, praying for others, and being sober minded.  Sounds like God is in control.  This isn’t a plague, but an awakening.  Joseph Aaron”  – Alecia W. /Tech GT/Tmp